
深海邪典 軍武娘 AOR PINK 武裝蘿莉塔

👾 戰術蘿莉塔-深海邪典 👾 在拉萊耶的宅邸中,長眠的克蘇魯候汝入夢 ⚜



武裝蘿莉塔 Violet Fane深海邪典xDirect Action AOR PINK.jpg



武裝蘿莉塔 Violet Fane深海邪典xDirect Action AOR PINK SAI GRY.jpg


整體可用介面擴充不少空間 同時也兼顧了原本的運動性🎮


不過幾套穿下來 我還是比較青睞DA的包覆感和穩定度👊

武裝蘿莉塔 Violet Fane深海邪典JSK  Direct Action 戰術背心 AOR PINK SAI GRY.jpg

更多照片請往 AOR PINK粉絲團本部💟 武裝蘿莉塔-深海邪典👾在拉萊耶的宅邸中,長眠的克蘇魯候汝入夢

或個人帳號💟 Marceline Liu 追蹤第一手消息

武裝蘿莉塔 Violet Fane 深海邪典JSK  Direct Action 戰術背心 AOR PINK SAI GRY護目鏡 Wiley X Saber Advanced .jpg


戰術背心  Direct Action 

護目鏡 Wiley X Saber Advanced 

JSK Violet Fane 深海邪典

武裝蘿莉塔 Violet Fane 深海邪典JSK  Direct Action 戰術背心 AOR PINK SAI GRY.jpg

👾👾Tacti-Lo / Military Lolita - A Cult From the Sea👾👾
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn⚜
Welp...Finally got a second chance to play with the JSK of this pattern💖
The slightly brown look really goes well with a gray-inspired setting, right?😈
I have to admit the DA is such a universal PC⚡⚡
It's also one of the few original designs I would like to have for every color🔥
Sadly there's no MCBK...😶
Anyway(?) this time I replace the default front panel with the Tempest one💫💫
That way improves the modular availability while remaining the mobility🎮
Both Ronin and HSP actually offer products with a similar concept
I just prefer security and stability from DA✨✨✨

武裝蘿莉塔-Violet Fane深海邪典xDirect Action AOR PINK.jpg

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台灣軍武娘 Tactical Girl AOR Pink - Marceline Liu 隨時給你最華麗的穿搭 ,最帥氣的裝備, 最有特色的武器配置

快來臉書粉絲團 AOR Pink 或 臉書個人頁面 Marceline Liu 追蹤吧 !! 🔫

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